Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Orleans Travel & Study Program - June 21-29, 2010

Photo: ©2009 Micah Kvidt
Registration is now open for the 2010 New Orleans Travel and Study Program at Ai Minnesota.

There are only 12 slots, so register early!** Registration packets with all information are available around the Photography Program rooms, with the AD and Advisor! Plan your Spring schedule around this fun opportunity to help see New Orleans in a new light!


A Guided tour of New Orleans; directed and independent field work Daily feedback one-on-one and in critiques; free time to visit museums and galleries, and explore the city; a behind the scenes tour of the photography collection at the Ogden Museum; a visit and critique by Curator of The Louisiana State Museum, Tony Lewis; critiques with other special visiting artists from Louisiana; a behind the scenes visit to the New Orleans Times Picayune, and meeting with some of the Pulitzer Prize winning photography staff at the paper.

Airfare, lodging (quads), breakfasts, some tours, and most in-city transit.

**Registration deadline is March 12. If we do not have 9 registrants by March 12, the trip will be canceled and all deposits refunded.

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