Monday, February 2, 2009

Registration Now Open for June 22-30 New Orleans Course!

New Orleans Travel and Study Program III

June 22 - 30, 2009

The trip will include visiting photographers and curators to critiques, museum tours, a whole city tour, behind the scenes tour of the Time Picayune newspaper, and muc much more!

Take Photographic Essays and Visual Narratives (PH3410) in America's rich cultural southern capital, New Orleans! Learn about the culture, history, and fantastic cuisine, that make this amazing city so famous. Work on a project that captures that spirit, in the midst of recovery (almost four years later) from Hurricane Katrina. (Pre req. PH2470 and/or PH3410)

See Colleen Mullins or Michelle Bean for registration forms and tentative itinerary!

Minimum 2.5 GPA to participate in the program. Appeal letters for students falling below that level should accompany registration forms and deposits. Letters should describe the project you plan to undertake while in New Orleans. Deposits will NOT be cashed unless student is approved for entry.


$500 Support Grant**
Applications for the support grant are due
Friday of Week 6 (Friday, February 20) at noon.

Email the following to cmullins @
with "NOLA Scholarship" in the subject line:

1. Letter describing financial need, why you want to study in this program, what ideas you have for an essay project, etc.

2. Five (5) jpgs. No larger than 800 on the longest side. 72ppi. Optimized to srgb profile.

**All Support Grant applications MUST have a CGPA of 2.5 or higher.